AI in Healthcare

6 AI in Healthcare Statistics: 2024 Report

August 20, 2024
2 min read

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the landscape of healthcare, offering innovative solutions for complex challenges in the field.

AI algorithms are critically involved in analyzing medical data at remarkable speeds, thus playing a pivotal role in improving diagnostic accuracy and patient care.

The AI in healthcare market has seen substantial growth, with an estimated market size of USD 19.27 billion in 2023 and a forecasted rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.5% through to 2030.

In this article, we will examine the ai in healthcare statistics to understand its market size, share, growth, and the transformative impact AI is having on healthcare practices.

AI in Healthcare Statistics: TL;DR

The market for AI applications in healthcare is on an upward trajectory. Based on current statistics:

  • 2027 projection: $19,593.4 million
  • 2030 forecast for AI overall in healthcare: $187.95 billion
  • Potential market for robot-assisted surgery by 2026: $40 billion

6 Key Statistics on AI in Healthcare You Need to Know in 2024

1. Market Value

The AI in healthcare market continues to grow and was valued at over $11 billion in 2021. Projections indicate a significant increase, with forecasts suggesting a potential value of around $188 billion by 2030.

2. Diagnostic Advances

There is a notable surge in AI applications within the diagnostic sector. In 2024, the number of medical diagnostic models and clinical AI tools entering the market reflects a growing confidence in AI's diagnostic capabilities.

3. Investment Proportion

AI as a part of overall healthcare investment is becoming more substantial. Estimates suggest AI could represent a considerable portion of tech-related healthcare funding, though precise current-year percentages require further data.

4. Regional Growth

The North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Market shows a significant contribution to the overall expansion of AI in healthcare. It leads the charge in innovation and adoption rates compared to other global regions.

5. Application Expansion

AI's application in healthcare has widened beyond initial expectations. This includes, but is not limited to, areas such as claims processing, treatment planning, and patient care, demonstrating AI's integration into multiple facets of healthcare.

6. Adoption Trends

An increasing trend seen in 2024 indicates growing adoption rates of AI technologies in healthcare settings. This may be visualized through an AI in Healthcare Graph displaying adoption over time since initial introduction

Updated on:

August 20, 2024

Published on:

August 20, 2024

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