The #1 healthcare automation platform
Instantly connect all your healthcare software to build HIPAA-compliant automations, without code.

200+ healthcare companies trust Keragon to build HIPAA-compliant healthcare automations in a secure way

Keragon in numbers
Do more with less
Save hours of manual work and increase your revenue.
2+ million
successfully executed automations
healthcare integrations
< 60 mins
average time for 1st workflow setup
How it works
Create your first healthcare automation in 3 simple steps
Build enterprise-ready integrations and automate your healthcare workflows with Keragon's no code AI-powered platform.
Use cases
Automate healthcare workflows for any team
No matter your healthcare workflow, you can automate it with Keragon. The possibilities are limitless and no coding skills are required.

Appointment scheduling

Patient intake

Patient Records Management

Team Collaboration

Patient Communication

Billing & Insurance

Lab & Prescription

Analytics & Reporting

Intuitive visual workflow editor
Use the no-code visual editor to design & troubleshoot your workflow automations.

300+ healthcare integrations
Instantly connect to leading EHRs & popular healthcare software.

Powerful AI & logic helpers
Customize your workflows as you need, and accelerate everything with AI.
Connect to any of our 300+ integrations in minutes
CUSTOMER testimonials
Real customers. Real value.
From solo practices, large multi-location clinics and all the way up to NASDAQ-listed digital health companies.
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